1. September 2017

Usually people speak of trials as being tasteless and boring whereas behind the scenes we often find the fate of people, impressive stories and human suffer as well as sensitive tragedies. Also nature could tell us those stories considering that it is being exploited and destroyed thousands of times and each day on a world wide scale.

In a unique project a group of young students from the Department of Design at the HAW Hamburg aims together with UfU to express legal conflicts through the language of graphic novels picking up the topic of nature devastation. Each story is based on a case that has been judged at court.

– The Arctic Sunrise Case, pp 13 – 103
– The Amatique Bay Case, pp 104 – 125
– Gold Mining ih the Petaquilla Mineral District, pp 127 – 214

Editors: Karl Stracke, Michael Zschiesche (UfU e.V.) ; Alexandra Kardinar, Reinhard Schulz- Schaeffer (HAW Hamburg)

Berlin 2017

If you wish to order the book, please send an e-mail to: mail@ufu.de