Conception and implementation of training courses on invasive species for water managers
In 2018, UfU was commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Energy of Saxony-Anhalt to develop a concept for the implementation of training courses and workshops. The content of the events should be the implementation of Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species in the field of water management.
This concept was finalized in spring 2019 in consultation with the relevant authorities. The content and organization of four training courses and four excursions were planned and prepared. As a result, UfU was also commissioned to carry out the training courses and excursions. A total of 114 representatives from water authorities and maintenance associations took part in the training courses in June 2019, and 110 water managers took part in the excursions in June and August 2019. The one-day training courses were conducted by Katrin Schneider. During the excursions, neophyte management experts presented measures against invasive neophytes at four different locations in Saxony-Anhalt.
12/2018 – 10/2019
Supported by
Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Energy of Saxony-Anhalt
Contact us
Katrin Schneider