Since 2017 at the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues e.V. in the field of Climate Protection & Transformative Education and since 2018 in the field of Energy Efficiency & Energy Transition as project manager and research assistant; also active in the organization of cultural and extracurricular educational projects for over ten years.


KlimaVisionen – Wege zur klimaneutralen Schule in Berlin!, (2021 – 2023)

Fahrradkino, (seit 2019)

Fifty Fifty Projekte, (seit 1996 – fortlaufend)

Wettberwerb Berliner Klimaschulen, (2008 – fortlaufend)

Bridging European and Local Climate Action (BEACON), (2018 – 2021)

KLimaAktionsKino, (2016 – 2019)

Energie gemeinsam wenden – die Mitmachausstellung zur Energiewende, (2012 – 2020)

Energy Efficiency & Energy Transition

Graduate architect

Project manager

Phone: 030 4284 993 24