Here you will find a series of films that provide an introduction to the problems of climate change for children and young people in an understandable way, explain environmental rights or provide other exciting information. Have fun watching, learning, participating and imitating!

Everything you need to know about the Aarhus Convention:

The Aarhus Convention at EU level
Part 1: Introduction

The Aarhus Convention at EU level
Part 2: Access to information

The Aarhus Convention at EU level
Part 3: Public participation

The Aarhus Convention at EU level
Part 4: Rights of action

All about our school projects

Façade greening – An innovative approach for more urban greenery (3:21)

Climate change easily explained:

E-Mission CO2 (7:57 min): The animated film (E)MISSION CO2 teaches pupils about the effects of greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect. They learn what human behavior leads to global climate change and what effects climate change has on people and nature.