Education and Participation on Climate Change II

The conference “Communication, Education, Participation. Successful Ways to Climate Protection”  focussed on the role of education, communication and participation in a context of climate change and climate protection.

In addition to presentations by Felix Ekardt (Research Unit Sustainibility and Climate Policy), Fritz Reusswig (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Christine Katz (Leuphana University), Angela Oels (Halle University), René Zimmer (UfU) and Malte Schmidthals (UfU), the workshops gave the opportunity for an international exchange. Discussions were on successful methods in climate change education, on participation methods that include both effective climate protection and appropriate public participation, as well as on communication strategies for highlighting the importance of climate protection in the public debate and for motivating people to act against climate change.

The conference is part of a social-ecological research project organised by UFU together with project partners from the UK, Denmark, the Czech Republic, the USA, Germany and China.

04/2011 – 07/2013

Cooperation partners
Klimabündnis Oberösterreich

Danish Organisation for Sustainable Energy

The Institute for Environmental Policy Prague

Centre for Alternative Technology Wales

Commissioned by
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Fabian Stolpe