Improvement of species and nature conservation with regard to the impact of invasive alien species in Saxony-Anhalt
From 2019 to 2021, UfU will receive annual project funding of €65,000 from the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Energy of Saxony-Anhalt for the “Improvement of species and nature conservation with regard to the impact of invasive alien species”. In 2019, an evaluation of selected measures against invasive neophytes in Saxony-Anhalt was carried out as part of this funding.
In 2020, following the revision of the target agreement, there are two areas of activity: Firstly, a catalog of measures will be drawn up for five invasive neophyte species that have a negative impact on dry calcareous grasslands and steppe grasslands in Saxony-Anhalt. On the other hand, work is being carried out on the KORINA reporting system and the website and selected measures against species on the Union list in Saxony-Anhalt are being documented.
In 2021, a country-specific concept for prioritizing nature conservation management measures for two of the invasive species processed in 2019 will be drawn up.
05/2019 – 12/20211
Supported by
Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Energy of Saxony-Anhalt
Contact us
Katrin Schneider