KlimaGesichter – Intercultural environmental education
Invitation to the symposium: Why people are fleeing the climate?
11.11.2021 in the Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8° East
Date: November 11, 2021
Time: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
Location: Klimahaus Bremerhaven East
UfU project: Climate faces
Website of the climate faces: https://klimagesichter.de/
Registration and program: Registration (PDF)
One of the most serious consequences of anthropogenic climate change is that millions of people around the world are losing their livelihoods, especially in the countries of the so-called Global South. Extreme weather events such as droughts, water shortages, storms or floods force people to flee their homes in many places, because when their livelihoods are destroyed and food and habitats become scarce, they often have no other option but to leave their homes. These catastrophes, which are already taking place and will intensify in the future, are still largely ignored by the industrialized countries or responded to primarily with isolationism. The question is how we want to deal with this climate-induced migration in the future and what responsibility we take for climate change, its consequences and for the people who are forced to migrate as a result.
In the project “ClimateFaces: Intercultural Environmental Education” of the National Climate Protection Initiative, the association of the German Climate Foundation, the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues and the Jugendwerkstatt Felsberg e.V. is addressing this issue and training people with experience of flight and migration to become climate protection ambassadors from 2019-2021 in order to raise awareness of these important issues through intercultural exchange.
You can look forward with us to a varied and exciting program for our
Symposium on 11.11.2021 in the Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8° Ost. You are cordially invited to the free event in presence (3G)!
Following the example of the Talanoa Dialogue, the aim is to discuss the current status of so-called “climate refugees”, the political and legal framework conditions and visions of a climate-friendly world and to jointly derive recommendations for action.
You can expect a day full of opportunities to exchange ideas and network with our ClimateFaces multipliers and actors in the field of climate justice, to participate in workshops with thematically experienced speakers, to find ideas and help shape recommendations for action, as well as music and refreshments.
Please register by e-mail to: klimaflucht@deutsche-klimastiftung.de