09. November 2021

Renewable energy technologies are job boosters

An ambitious expansion of renewables provides great potential for the creation of new jobs, shows part 1 of the Co-Benefits Knowledge Commons Factsheets Series 2021/2022

Part 1 of the 2021/2022 edition of the Co-benefits Knowledge Commons gives an insight into the state of the art of current research on renewable energies in the power sector and related developments of the job market. The publication shows: Renewables can create sustainable jobs and improve the gender balance in the future energy sector of many countries.

To harness the full potential of these co-benefits, an ambitious expansion of renewable energies is crucial, but should be accompanied by supporting policies in related sectors such R&D and education to build the skills base needed for the energy transition.

The Co-benefits Knowledge Commons Factsheet Edition Employment opportunities and skill requirements aims to connect policy makers in local and national government agencies with expert organisations and contact persons, to quantify employment potentials, assess policy options and unlock co-benefits for people and communities. Editors and authors of the factsheets also want to give decision-makers reliable data about the interconnection of climate-friendly power planning and sustainable job creation at hand.

The factsheet series is published by the COBENEFITS project in partnership with the Sustainable Energy Jobs Working Group under IRENA’s Coalition for Action. UfU, together with the IASS has curated the series. The publication can be addressed through the COBENEFITS project page.