The energy transition as a technology of the future
The energy transition and renewable energies are extremely complex issues that affect our entire society. A successful energy transition is the prerequisite for future climate neutrality in Germany and the world.
The energy transition can be viewed from many different angles:
- Technology
- Economy
- Society
- Politics
These perspectives must be interlinked if the energy transition is to succeed.
Our work on the energy transition
The energy transition is a cross-cutting theme that runs through UfU’s work in many different projects. We address this topic in schools and daycare centers in particular. Children learn about the different types of energy in their school in our Fifty/Fifty projects. In our hands-on exhibitions, children learn about the complexity of the energy transition at various stations through topics such as line construction, regulating power plants for grid stabilization and storage systems. In the end, they convert our energy supply on the energy-saving carpet.
Above all, we empower children to think for themselves through innovative teaching methods. Young people reflect on questions such as:
- What is the situation here (at the school)?
- How do we heat at home?
- How warm should it actually be in a room?
- Where does the electricity actually come from?
- What influence do politics have on the energy transition? What could be my own contribution?
Contact person

Oliver Ritter
Energy efficiency & energy transition
Graduate economist
Project manager
Phone: +4930 4284 993 21
E-Mail: oliver.ritter@ufu.de
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Current UfU projects in this field:
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News from this subject area:
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