Capacity building for the strategic promotion of young professionals in the environmental sector in the Republic of Moldova
The Republic of Moldova is considered the poorest country in Europe. Since the 1990s, around one million of the then 4.3 million inhabitants have left the country. Of these, 400,000 are Moldovan citizens with a higher level of education. The 15-29 age group already accounted for 25% of this in 2014.
Stakeholders in the environmental sector in the Republic of Moldova are suffering from this brain drain, as potential young talent is emigrating and the age structure of the workforce is increasing. These young talents are important because, as the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s third Environmental Performance Review report on the Republic of Moldova shows, Moldova is facing many significant environmental problems.
The 2014-2023 environmental strategy adopted in 2014 aims to achieve broad harmonization of environmental standards with the European Union. As a result, the requirements of European law have already been extensively transposed into Moldovan national law at legislative level. However, the legislation enacted is characterized by a high enforcement deficit.
The project aims to strategically improve the development of organizations for the necessary promotion of young talent in the environmental NGO sector in the Republic of Moldova. Organizational development and individual support go hand in hand with an increase in the professionalism of the organizations as well as an increase in the attractiveness of working in the environmental sector for young professionals. The upcoming generational change in the environmental sector in the Republic of Moldova can only be successfully shaped with a combination of targeted support for organizations and junior staff to maintain and further qualify the established organizations.
In the course of the project, junior staff and potential junior staff (high school graduates, university graduates, doctoral students, young scientists) are empowered to work as junior staff and managers. The junior staff are to gain a targeted insight into the fields of activity and processes of environmental NGOs and will be trained by experienced environmental NGO employees and public authority employees from the Republic of Moldova and Germany. The aim is to transfer the experience and knowledge of experienced players (NGOs, local authorities, ministries) in a targeted manner and adapted to the needs of junior staff.
The project implements the following specific measures to achieve these goals:
- Analysis of environmental stakeholders in the Republic of Moldova
- Creation and maintenance of an information portal on environmental NGOs in the Republic of Moldova (with subsequent handover to a mold. authority)
- Basic, advanced and specialization workshop on organizational development and promoting young talent for mold. NGOs and a know-how transfer seminar
- Creation of a guide to organizational development for mold. NGOs
- Development of a methodological handbook for the promotion of young talent in the environmental sector in the Republic of Moldova
- Implementation of NGO tandems and traineeships for mold. Junior staff
- Dniester summerschools and Autumnschools for targeted capacity building and networking of mold. junior staff
- NGO business game for mold. Junior staff
- Delegation trip from mold. junior staff
06/2020 – 02/2023
Cooperation partner
Eco-Tiras, EcoVisio
Funded by
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and Federal Environment Agency (UBA ) as part of the advisory assistance program
Franziska Sperfeld