Better planning and approval of environmentally relevant major projects through the participation of citizens and environmental associations
The research project “Evaluation of public participation – Better planning and approval of environmentally relevant major projects through the participation of citizens and environmental associations” commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency is investigating the question, what improvements public participation brings to planning and approval procedures. The focus here is on taking better account of environmental concerns. The extent to which possible costs and potential benefits of public participation for the planning and implementation of a project can be quantified is also examined.
In this research project, the effects of public participation are examined in three steps that build on each other:
- First, the questions necessary for the evaluation are concretized with the help of several impact chains (WP 1).
- In the further course of the project, a systematic literature review will be carried out to determine the current state of research and, based on this, gaps can be identified (WP 2).
- The subsequent empirical studies fill in the gaps identified and form the basis for a comprehensive analysis. This empirical part of the project provides for a Germany-wide telephone survey of citizens and other relevant stakeholders (project developers, environmental associations, authorities, etc.) (WP 3).
- This step is supplemented by a systematic analysis of 100 relevant planning and approval procedures. Finally, 15 procedures are examined in more detail – in particular for the determination of costs (WP 3).
The collected findings lead to conclusions and are supplemented by recommendations from the research team on how public participation can be made (even) more effective (WP 4). Where deemed necessary, the research team also proposes changes to the legal requirements that can help to improve the impact of public participation.
The research project will conclude at the end of 2021 with a full-day specialist event at the BMU in Berlin and a final report at the beginning of 2022.
02/2019 – 01/2022
Cooperation partner
Öko-Institut (project management)
Prof. Dr. Jens Newig (Leuphana University of Lüneburg)
Supported by
Federal Environment Agency
Contact us
Fabian Stolpe
Further information
Final report
Silvia Schütte, Franziska Wolff, Laura von Vittorelli, Katja Schumacher, Katja Hünecke, Michael Zschiesche, Fabian Stolpe, Lisa Habigt, Jens Newig (2023): Evaluation of public participation – Better planning and approval of environmentally relevant projects through the participation of citizens and environmental associations. UBA Texts | 32/2023. Federal Environment Agency. 175 pages