Education is one of the central pillars to achieve a sustainable social transformation. It is a platform that allows for a cross-generational dialogue to answer current and future questions. We believe that transformative learning can be achieved through critical (self-) reflection, which will lead to a change in the way we think and broaden our perspectives. Everybody should be encouraged and enabled to come up with creative and sustainable ideas and concepts which can then be developed and implemented.
UfU offers a wide range of expertise and educational material for daycare centers, primary and secondary schools, advanced training for adults and extracurricular education on a national and European level.
Research focus
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- Participation
- Energy efficiency and energy savings
- Renewable energies
- Use of resources
- Climate (protection)
- Sustainable lifestyle and consumption
- Creation and provisioning of educational material (worksheets, movies, games, online courses etc.)
- Workshops and project days with and for children and young people, environmental educators and multipliers
- Advanced training and consulting services for stakeholders
- Sociological feasibility studies
- Methodological research and evaluations
- Conception and implementation of exhibitions and contests
- Conception and organization of conferences