Since 2022 Project Manager at the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues e.V. (UfU) in the department of Law and Participation.

Master’s degree in Geoecology at Potsdam University. PhD at the Department of Ecohydrology and Landscape Evaluation at Technical University of Berlin within the subject of water and solute transport processes in soils. Key research areas are: urban hydrology and ecology; sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS); water and solute transport processes in the unsaturated soil zone; preferential flow in structured soils; interplay of soil hydrology and soil ecology.

Working experience in conducting expert opinions according to BNatSchG (Federal Act for the Protection of Nature), UVPG (Environmental Impact Assessment Act) and WHG (Federal Water Act) as scientific employee in an environmental planning office.



CarbonIQ – Carbon Farming in Kazakhstan as an Exemplary Project for Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change, (2024-2026)

Cultivation of Energy Crops on Post-Mining Sites in Vietnam (CPEP 2), (2020-2025)

Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Bắc Ninh Province, Vietnam (CapaViet3), (2022-2024)

Project4646 – Climate change in Agriculture, Food Safety and Know-how Transfer between Germany and the Republic of Kazakhstan, (2022-2023)



Peer-reviewed Articles

Reck, Arne; Thalmann, Mogens; Paton, Eva & Kluge, Björn (2021). Seepage Metal Concentrations Beneath Long-term Operated Bioretention Systems. Blue-Green-Systems 3(1), 128-144. doi:

Reck, Arne; Paton, E. & Kluge, B. (2019). Advanced In Situ Soil sampling System for Monitoring Solute Fluxes in the Vadose Zone .18(1), 1-8. doi: 10.2136/vzj2019.01.0008

Reck, Arne; Jackisch, Conrad; Hohenbrink, Tobias L.; Schröder, Boris; Zangerlé, Anne & van Schaik, Loes (2018). Impact of Temporal Macropore Dynamics on Infiltration: Field Experiments and Model Simulations. Vadose Zone Journal 17(1), 1-15. doi: 10.2136/vzj2017.08.0147

Schneider, Anne-Kathrin; Hohenbrink, Tobias L.; Reck, Arne; Zangerlé, Anne; Schröder, Boris; Zehe, Erwin & van Schaik, Loes (2018). Variability of Earthworm-induced Biopores and their Hydrological Effectiveness in Space and Time. Pedobiologia, 71, 8-19. doi: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2018.09.001

Other Publications

Müller, Niklas; Nguyen Thi Anh, Tuyet; Dao, Trang; Reck, Arne; Stolpe, Fabian (2024): Economic viability of large-scale cassava cultivation on a post-mining area for bioethanol production in Vietnam – Feasibility study, Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen. Berlin.

Celtikoglu, S., Reck, A., Müller, N., Zschiesche, M. (2023). Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels in Kasachstan aus der Sicht kasachischer Landwirt:innen. Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen. Berlin (2023).

Reck, Arne (2021). Vadose Zone Water and Contaminant Transport. Field and Modelling Studies on Semi-natural to Natural Soils in Central Europe. Ph.D. diss., Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin. doi: 10.14279/depositonce-12051

Reck, Arne & Kluge, Björn (2020). Abschlussbericht zum F+E Vorhaben „Konzepte für eine nachhaltige Nutzung von langjährig betriebenen Versickerungsanlagen“ – KONVERt. Teil „Sickerwasserkonzentrationen“ [Research and Innovation Project: Concepts of Sustainable Usage of Decentralised Infiltration Swales in Urban Areas; Final Report (in German)].

Environmental Law & Participation

M.Sc. Geoecology, PhD

Project Manager

Phone: +49(0)30 4284 993 33