Klimabildung in Zeiten multipler Krisen

Fachtagung Klimaschutz an Schulen - Was bedeuten die multiplen Krisen für den Unterricht und die Lerninhalte in der Schule?

How can the cooperation of schools and non-school partners succeed?

Außerschulische Partner für Projekte an der eigenen Schule finden ist nicht schwer. Man muss nur wissen wie...

UfU-Projects are tackling environmental challenges of farmers in Kazakhstan

UfU projects in Kazakhstan focus on environmental problems in agriculture - Kazakh delegation visits UfU

Better participation portals for Europe – Guide with good practice examples is online!

Our guide Aarhus Digital with international good practice examples for participation portals in environmental issues is online.

UfU study: State of digital public participation in environmental issues in five EU Member States

Together with partners from Estonia, Hungary, Slovenia and Spain, we analysed the state of digital public participation in environmental issues in five EU Member States and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

County reports on civil society participation in climate policies now available

Together with local research teams, the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues has conducted eight country studies to investigate the environment and conditions for climate-related participation of civil society. The first reports are now available.

First Climate Checks in Polish Schools

Poland has started with the first climate checks in schools in the EUKI project Visions 2045 – Schools as Drivers to Climate Neutrality in Cities.

More protection for environmental defenders – UN Special Rapporteur visits UfU

The UN Special Rapporteur on Environmentalists visits UfU to discuss the situation for activists in Germany together with other associations.

Solutions to deal with soil contamination in Vietnam‘s recycling villages

Lead findings in the recycling village in Châu Khê. UfU is working with local experts to prevent further contamination of the soil.

Bioenergy without land conflicts

The cultivation of cassava on disused mining land for the production of bioethanol makes a meaningful contribution to climate protection in Vietnam...