ClimateFaces II

climateXchange | Intercultural Exchange

Climate change has many faces

The aim of the project is to qualify people from refugee and migrant backgrounds as climate ambassadors in order to give a face to climate protection in educational institutions as mediators affected by climate change, among other things, and to initiate concrete climate protection measures or strengthen existing ones through intercultural exchange. The project focuses on linking scientific facts with the real life stories of the participants. In order to organise this in the best possible way, we are working together with the German Climate Foundation on this project.

ClimateFaces – I: In the “ClimateFaces – I: Intercultural environmental education” project, a total of 45 people with refugee and migration experience from 23 different countries of origin were trained as climate protection ambassadors in 15 multiplier training courses between 2019 and 2022. Mehr lesen

ClimateFaces – II: We started a new project phase in January 2023. In addition to the continuation of the already tested qualification of further climate protection ambassadors, the sharing of the ambassadors’ personal experiences in the context of environmental education workshops, e.g. in schools, volunteer organisations, church associations, city libraries, groups for refugees and migrants, international conferences and symposia, educational institutions of extracurricular education, foundations, climate camps and events of active civil society, at university sustainability conferences and intercultural weeks will continue over the entire duration of the project.

A new project focus is on the conception and realisation of an international intercultural qualification. This idea arose from the desire of the already qualified climate protection ambassadors to carry out similar training in their countries of origin. Mehr lesen

01/2023 – 12/2025

Cooperation partner
Deutsche KlimaStiftung, Bremen

Funded by
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action based on a resolution of the German Bundestag within the framework of the National Climate Initiative.

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