Development of recommendations (based on best practices) for the implementation and operationalization of the revised Environmental Protection Law in Vietnam
Since 2019, UfU and Ecologic Institute have been supporting the legislative process for the amendment of the Vietnamese Environmental Protection Law (LEP) on behalf of GIZ, in particular the chapters on environmental permits and air pollution control. In the project “Investigation and evaluation of the applicability of international best practices for air pollution control in Vietnam”, successful air pollution control measures were examined and communicated to Vietnamese decision-makers. To this end, the laws of selected countries (China, South Korea, Thailand, Germany) were analyzed, best practices from these countries were selected and their transferability to the Vietnamese system was examined.
In late spring 2020, the draft amendment to the LEP entered its decisive phase. Formally, the Committee for Science, Technology and Environment of the Vietnamese National Assembly is responsible for the further processing of the RDP. Until October or November 2020, comments and suggestions from experts can be sent to the relevant committee of the Vietnamese National Assembly to make final changes to the LEP before it is adopted by parliament in late fall.
In preparation for the remaining stages of the LEP revision and the identification of the next steps required after the adoption of the LEP, technical support is required to review the latest draft of the LEP. UfU and Ecologic will therefore comment on the draft LEP revision and make recommendations for further improvements, air pollution control measures and support in the preparation of the subsequent LEP implementation.
Specifically, it identifies the contents that need to be addressed in the LEP-associated regulations, develops recommendations for minimizing environmental management procedures in Vietnam, and develops various action plans (immediate action plan; air quality management plan) to enable the relevant Vietnamese authorities to take measures to improve air quality management in Vietnam.
Here you can find the publication package on air pollution control measures for the Vietnamese provinces and cities (all documents in English):
Cooperation partner
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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