Why is civil society important for tackling the climate crisis?
Civil society actors play an important role in times of accelerating climate change and the loss of biodiversity worldwide. In many cases, it is primarily civil society actors who draw attention to the impact of these crises on the ground. They act as advocates and voices for nature, raising awareness, putting crises on the political agenda and informing the public about them. They also act as mediators, pool social interests and advocate the participation of everyone in political processes. They often take solutions into their own hands and carry out innovative projects and campaigns themselves. These actors include private individuals as well as NGOs.
Civil society organizations in various countries
How civil society organizations can develop depends heavily on the social conditions in which they operate. These include fundamental factors such as stability and peace in the region, the regulatory environment, structural conditions for their recognition and their involvement in political decision-making, as well as the existence of appropriate and open opportunities for participation.
Our work in the subject area
UfU analyzes the political framework conditions and scope for action for civil society participation in various countries. In this context, UfU developed a method for the structural analysis of the situation of civil society participation in climate policy. In addition, UfU has examined the situation of civil society in Germany, particularly in East Germany, in numerous studies over several decades.
How a civil society organization can use the framework conditions in which it operates also depends very much on the resources it invests in its own development. Over the past decades, UfU has supported numerous organizations, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, in capacity development and has produced numerous guidelines, handouts and online courses on organizational development.
Our series on the Aarhus Convention:
Contact person
Franziska Sperfeld
Umweltrecht & Partizipation
Dipl. Umweltwissenschaftlerin
Fachgebietsleiterin, Projektleiterin
Telefon: +4930 4284 993 31
E-Mail: franziska.sperfeld@ufu.de
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Current UfU projects in this field:
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