Cooperation with international partner organizations has played a major role in recent years. As part of international networks in other European countries, we advise governments, municipalities and schools on their path to climate neutrality.
We pursue both horizontal and vertical approaches here. This means bottom-up projects as pilots, events and training courses to promote exchange between the various actors involved, as well as policy advice at the highest level to anchor measures in national legislation.
We have been working in a practical, research and advisory capacity in Vietnam since 2002 and currently have an office there with three employees. Our local focus areas are soil protection, climate protection, environmental education, sustainable use of bioenergy and adaptation to the consequences of climate change.
We would also like to highlight our long-standing partnerships with European initiatives, associations and organizations, with whom we can work together as equals and thus learn from each other. Countries with which we cooperate include Bulgaria, Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Croatia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Greece and Portugal.
In terms of content, European projects such as BEACON (Bridging European and Local Climate Action) are concerned with establishing energy-saving models in schools, for example, but also with initiating and supporting general activities and communication processes on the subject of climate protection and climate neutrality in schools and local authorities.
The European projects are mostly funded at federal level, most recently often via the IKI (International Climate Initiative) and the EUKI (European Climate Initiative).
Contact person

Marlies Bock
Energieeffizienz & Energiewende
Dipl. Wirtschafts-Ing. Umwelttechnik
Telefon: +4930 4284 993 21
E-Mail: marlies.bock@ufu.de
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