- 24th symposium – Climate protection in schools 2022
- 5 for the climate 14-18 June 2021
- Aiming high together with Fabikli!
- Associations workshop
- At first hand | Vol. 1 – “Climate protection – what have we achieved, what needs to be done?”
- Climate Visions kick-off event
- Climate-neutral school buildings in new construction and renovation
- Conference “Current issues of access to justice in environmental matters” Berlin, 03.06.2019
- Contact us
- Controlling invasive neophytes along an entire river?
- Data and its significance for environmental and climate protection
- Ecornet Berlin – “Knowledge.Change.Berlin”: Transdisciplinary research for a social and ecological metropolis
- Education newsletter
- European Innovation Lab
- European workshop and contest for the (further) development of digital formal participation in the European Union
- Events, news and UfU information
- Everything in flux in Ukraine
- Everything in flux in Ukraine
- Everything in flux in Ukraine
- Everything in flux in Ukraine
- Everything in flux in Ukraine
- Everything in flux in Ukraine
- Feedback on our website
- Fifth Aarhus Workshop on 7. September 2021
- Foreword by the management – June 2022
- Fourth Aarhus Workshop on March 24, 2021
- How Potsdam saves energy
- Imprint / Privacy Policy
- Movies
- Online courses
- Parliamentary breakfast on environmental legal protection
- Participation forum – association network on legal environmental issues
- Political and vocational education
- Posts Grid
- Project IGAMon Dog – Dogs looking for plants
- Projects
- “Forum Umweltrechtsschutz 2021” – Virtual symposium on legal protection in environmental matters on March 2, 2021
- 35th German Nature Conservation Day (DNT)
- Conference “The practice and current legal issues of environmental information law” – Berlin, February 22-23, 2018
- Environmental legal protection forum 2019
- International Symposium ‘Best Practices on Access to Environmental Information’, Berlin, December 3 2018
- Publications
- Research & Work
- Russian attack on Ukraine
- Services
- Subject area – Civil society
- Subject area – Climate protection
- Subject area – Energy transition
- Subject area – Environmental information
- Subject area – Environmental law
- Subject area – International cooperation
- Subject area – Participation
- Subject area – Public participation
- Subject area – Resource conservation
- Subject area – Saving energy in schools
- Subject area – Transformative education
- Symposium “Architecture + Biodiversity”
- Teacher training
- Thank you for being there!
- Thinking the sustainable and healthy city together – strategies for a post-corona city
- Topic area – Climate adaptation
- Topic area – Climate and environmental justice
- Topic area – Climate-neutral school and kindergarten
- Topic area – Invasive species & nature conservation
- Transparency
- UfU Annual Reports
- UfU events
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- UfU Magazine
- Virtual symposium on “Public participation in Germany – ten years after the events of Stuttgart 21” on March 4, 2021
- Welcome to the UfU!
- 20 years of UfU
- 25 years of UfU
- Jobs
- Managing Board
- Mission Statement
- Mission statement of the UfU
- Network
- Press
- Scientific Advisory Council
- The UfU Team
- Alina Beigang
- Alina Wiegert
- Antonia Nieke
- Bernhard Schwandt
- Carola Zellmer
- Carolin Glahe
- Chantal Brunotte
- Charlotte Schifer
- Cindy Prager
- Daniel Buchholz
- Dr. Arne Reck
- Dr. Christoph Herrler
- Dr. Johannes Franke
- Dr. Michael Zschiesche
- Dr. Ngoc Han Pham
- Dr. Swenja Rosenwinkel
- Eva Mareen Lütkemeyer
- Fabian Stolpe
- Florian Kliche
- Franziska Sperfeld
- Frieder Tautz
- Heiner Giersch
- Jana Mießner
- Janna Greisle
- Jonas Rüffer
- Jonas Vogel
- Jörg Ackermann
- Katharina Reimann
- Larissa Donges
- Lisa Habigt
- Lucia Balzk
- Luisa Schneider
- Lukas Karok
- Madelon Dimmerling
- Marie Wolfbauer
- Marlies Bock
- Matthias Laminski
- Miriam Pfaff
- Muriel Neugebauer
- Nicole Wozny
- Niklas Müller
- Oliver Ritter
- Prof. Dr. Edmund Brandt
- Sami Celtikoglu
- Sophie Dolinga
- Swantje Reuter
- Theresa Seidel
- Therese Stephan
- Thuy Nguyen
- Tom Grünberger (born Witschas) (currently on parental leave)
- Vivian Ryll
- Winona Bölling (currently on parental leave)
- Welcome to UfU – Independent Institute for Environmental Issues
- Why people are fleeing the climate
- Your environmental voice in Europe
- „[insert solutions here]. Climate meets Democracy“ Podcast